RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION for the Village of Whitelaw is contracted through GFL Environmental Services out of Chilton.
(920) 687-2631
Call GFL directly for missed pickups, special pickups for non-contracted items i.e. mattresses, appliances or any other need you may have.
The Village of Whitelaw has a Recycling site available for our residents free of charge. The site is located on N. Hickory by the park and utility plant.
There is one GFL dumpster to put ALL residential recyclable materials in. Residents do NOT need to separate recyclable materials, all items go into the one dumpster. GFL comes once a week to collect the dumpster to separate the materials at their facilities.
OPEN 24/7
**Security camera are installed and are active - Please deposit the recyclables in the proper container and be aware of items that are not recyclable or accepted.**
ALL CARDBOARD NEEDS to be FLATTENED before placing into the dumpster!
Please refer to these guidelines for a list of acceptable materials and how to recycle properly: